Pint of Origin
How Was Pint of Origin 2024 For You?

How Was Pint of Origin 2024 For You?

May 24, 2024, by dan

We'd love your feedback to we can be even better in 2025.

Pint of Origin is done and dusted for another year, with the twelfth running in Melbourne appearing to be our biggest and best to date.

Passport check-ins were up by more than 50 percent year-on-year, some host venues had their biggest week (and a bit) of the year to date, and it felt like the festival brought a much-needed injection of positivity to the local beer and hospo communities – on both sides of the bar.

But how was it for you? What did you love? Are there things we could do better? Which were the standout venues?

If you've got five minutes to provide us with feedback as we look ahead to 2025 and beyond, that would be great.

Complete the survey